

The timeline page contains a curated selection of detailed timelines that chart the pivotal events and historical contexts surrounding the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF). This resource offers a chronological exploration of the key moments that shaped TWLF’s activities and its influence on social justice movements.

Each timeline provides a clear, visual representation of the sequence of events, from the formation of TWLF to major strikes, negotiations, and legislative changes inspired by or impacting the movement. By contextualizing these events within broader social and political movements, the timelines help illustrate the interconnections between TWLF’s efforts and other global and national historical developments.

Ideal for educators, students, and researchers, the Timeline page facilitates a deeper understanding of the dynamics of social change initiated or influenced by TWLF. This interactive tool is essential for anyone seeking to grasp the scope of TWLF's impact on educational reform and ethnic studies advocacy.

Photgraph of the founders of the Berkeley Revolution project.

The Berkeley Revolution's Timeline

The Berkeley Revolution is a collective project that originates from a UC Berkeley undergraduate honors seminar titled “The Bay Area in the Seventies” taught by Scott Saul in 2017. “This expansive, curated archive—with 700 documents organized across sixteen main projects, delving into the East Bay’s political and cultural revolutions and their aftershocks—is the result.” Learn more

Photograph of Ling-chi Wang.

“Chronology of Ethnic Studies at U.C. Berkeley” by Ling-chi Wang

This chronology was assembled by Ling-chi WangProfessor Emeritus of Asian-American Studies and Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. Professor Wang helped establish UC Berkeley's Asian American Studies and taught its first course in 1969. Given his first-hand experiences in the early days of TWLF, he is a significant historian in this field. This timeline traces the events leading to the 1969 TWLF Strike, up to Spring 1997, when it first appeared in the Department of Ethnic Studies newsletter.

Mural depicting Asian Americans.

UCLA Mountain Movers Timeline

This timeline was developed for Mountain Movers by scholars and historians on student activism that led to the emergence of Asian American Studies and Ethnic Studies. Its comprehensive chronology spans events from SF State, UCLA, and UC Berkeley from 1950-2019. Significantly it contextualizes the events of the 1968-1969 TWLF strikes and the Asian American Studies Center strike at UCLA.

Graphic that says "Tumbling the Ivory Tower: Creating the Race Requirement at UC Berkeley". There is a stylized image of three women with text that says "30 Years American Cultures at UC Berkeley".

American Cultures 30th Anniversary Timeline

During the thirtieth anniversary of the American Cultures Requirement at UC Berkeley, the American Cultures Center anniversary committee developed a timeline that explores the early history of TWLF and its connection to the Requirement. Learn more

Cover of a pamphlet, depicts a large pig shoved through Sather Gate. At the bottom is a quote from Chancellor Heyns that says "Sather Gate will be kept open by any means necessary".

“Strike 1969", 1969, Box 1, Folder 71, Third World Strike at University of California, Berkeley collection 1968-1972, Ethnic Studies Library, UC Berkeley.

A primary source document that lays out the chronology leading up to the 1969 TWLF Strike at UC Berkeley. This timeline also emphasizes the TWLF's principles of self-determination, community involvement, and the empowerment of Third World students.