50th Anniversary of the UC Berkeley Third World Liberation Front Strike

Seeds of Resistance, Flowers of Liberation: Voices from 50 Years of Student of Color Activism at UC Berkeley

Fifty years ago, UC Berkeley students, galvanized by revolutionary struggles in the US and around the world, created a multiracial coalition, the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF). The principles of TWLF - solidarity, self-determination and a relevant education - have served as a framework for generations of activism on campus and beyond. This work challenged the foundations of the university and inspired similar coalitions of solidarity worldwide. TWLF laid the groundwork for ongoing demands for an education able to support the individual and collective power of marginalized communities to determine their lives and shape the direction of history. 


Exhibit Reception: Whose University?
Wednesday, April 24, 5-8pm
Ethnic Studies Library and Morrison Reading Room

Celebrating Community Engaged Scholarship Across Generations
Thursday, April 25, 9am-4pm
Anna Head Alumnae Hall

Voices from 50 Years of Student of Color Activism
Friday, April 26, 12-8pm
112 Wurster Hall 

All Power to the People
Saturday, April 27, 12-8pm
Sylvia Mendez Elementary School): 

These events were co-sponsored by TWLF Research Initiative Center for Race and Gender, 1969 TWLF Veterans, The American Cultures Center, ACES, Department of Ethnic Studies, Department of African American Studies, Asian Pacific American Student Development, Chicanx Latinx Student Development, African American Student Development, Native American Student Development, Youth Together, Asian Prison Support Committee, Ethnic Studies Library, Multicultural Community Center, Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project, College of Environmental Design Students of Color, Multicultural Student Development, and the Public Service Center.