Educational Resources and Publications

Background image: Educational Resources & Publications


View a curated collection of educational resources on the TWLF, including books, articles, documentaries, and lesson plans, designed to enrich curriculum and inspire dialogue on activism and social justice. This hub equips educators with comprehensive tools to delve into the TWLF's enduring legacy. These resources and publications focus on the on 1969 TWLF strike. We are developing materials for other movements. If you have any suggestions for resources that could be added to this section, please check the Interactive Portal page for the suggestions form. You can also view primary sources from the strike in the History section.

High School Ethnic Studies Initiative

In 2021, several academic partners at UC Berkeley recognized the need to support California high schools. They developed the High School Ethnic Initiative, also known as HSESI. HSESI is a collaborative effort among the American Cultures Center, the Department of Ethnic Studies, and the History Social Sciences Project to leverage UC Berkeley's extensive academic resources and pedagogical expertise. The initiative focuses on building a curriculum infrastructure for California educators, addressing immediate and long-term needs. Learn more

Screenshot of the HSESI Notion shows different book covers.

High School Ethnic Studies Initiative (HSESI) Resource Hub

The HSESI Resource Hub is a curated collection of materials designed to support students and instructors in preparation for the rollout of California’s high school Ethnic Studies graduation requirement. Our hub aims to foster a deep understanding of oppression, liberation, and the intricate tapestry of social movements that shape society. Whether you’re seeking to enrich your teaching practices, expand your knowledge base, or engage in community-driven initiatives, this resource hub creates entry points to teaching and engaging with Ethnic Studies. Learn more

Photograph of Sine Hwang-Jensen in the Ethnic Studies Library.

Educational Resources

Our Educational Resources section is a gateway to a comprehensive hub tailored for Ethnic Studies educators and researchers, particularly those at the high school level (to support California's new high school Ethnic Studies graduation requirement). This section connects you with tools and materials that are essential for both developing engaging curricula and conducting in-depth research on the history of the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF). Read more

Cover page of "150W: Matriarchs of TWLF* Ethnic Studies: A look into the history of the matriarchs of the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley" by Jacquelyn Serrano.


A curated selection of scholarly articles that provides insights into the TWLF strike. This collection offers a wide range of perspectives on the origins, impact, and enduring legacy of TWLF, highlighting its significant role in shaping discussions on Ethnic Studies, social justice, and educational reform. Read more

Book cover of Changing Academia Forever.


A carefully chosen collection of books offering perspectives on the TWLF strike. This compilation provides a diverse array of viewpoints regarding the inception, consequences, and lasting heritage of TWLF. These books also highlight how the TWLF strikes shaped conversations on Ethnic Studies, social justice, and educational restructuring. A few novels included in this list were written by UC Berkeley students who took part in the 1969 TWLF strike. Read more



Select films that provide insights into the TWLF strike. These films offer a wide range of viewpoints on the beginnings, influence, and legacy of TWLF. These films underscore the significant role that TWLF had in affecting perspectives on Ethnic Studies, social justice, and education. Read more